Contributor Guidelines

How Rarebit works: 

Contributing to the Rarebit Early Animation Wiki is a straightforward process. The wiki consists of a number of separate databases:


  • Animation: Contains information about specific cartoons, as well as videos.
  • People: Is a biographical database of people involved in the history of animation.
  • Resources: Is a database of existing books, websites, magazine articles and other resources on a wide range of animation-related topics. This is meant to serve as a starting point when conducting animation research.
  • Studios: Information about animation studios.
  • Wiki: An open database built to accommodate any animation-related topic.

The first four of these databases use a number of specific fields to keep entries consistent with one another. Animation, Resources, and Studios offer a “general” field to allow users to customize their entries beyond the site’s pre-set fields. The Wiki database is a blank slate, where all fields are created by the user.

Using Rarebit to build your own pages: All pre-set fields come with their own instructions. But the “general” fields of certain databases, or pages in the Wiki, function a little differently.