Full Name:

Wenxiao Lin

Occupation / Title:

, , ,

Date of birth:


Date of death:



Danyang of Jiangsu Province, China

Associated studios:

Shanghai Animation Film Studio (上海美术电影制片厂)


Lin Wenxiao (林文肖) is one of the greatest animators and directors in Early Chinese Animation. She is a former member of Shanghai Animation Film Studio (SAFS, 上海美术电影制片厂) as well as International Animated Film Association (ASIFA), and the former director of China Animation Association (CAA,中国动画学会).

Career outline

In 1953, Lin graduated from the first class of the Animation Department (动画科) of Beijing Film Academy (北京电影学院) and joined Shanghai Animation Film Studio (上海美术电影制片厂).

She first worked as an animator and animation designer in feature-length animations such as The Monkey King: Uproar in Heaven (1961, 大闹天宫) and Nezha Conquers the Dragon King (1979, 哪吒闹海).

In 1980, Lin directed her first animation Snow Child (1980, 雪孩子), a 20 minutes short which won the Outstanding Film Award from the Ministry of Culture of China (中国文化部优秀影片奖).

In 1985, Lin co-directed the feature animation Monkey King Conquers the Demon (1985, 金猴降妖) which won numerous awards, both domestic and international, in the following years. The awards included:
-The Outstanding Animation Film Award from the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television in 1985 (广播电影电视部优秀美术片奖);
-The 6th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award in 1986 (第6届中国电影“金鸡奖”最佳美术片奖);
-The Outstanding Film Award in the 1st Shanghai Literature and Art Award (首届上海文学艺术奖优秀影片奖) as well as the Long Film Award Award and the Public Award of the Youth Animation Film Festival of the Bourbon Art Club of France in 1987,
-And the First Prize of the 6th Chicago International Children’s Film Festival Animation Feature Film in 1989.

She aslo directed the short Jiazi Saves the Deer (1985, 夹子救鹿) which won another set of awards:
-The Outstanding Film Award from Ministry of Radio, Film and Television in 1985 (广播电影电视部年度优秀影片奖),
-And the Best Short from the 5th International Chinh India Kids Film Festival


“动画艺术家、《雪孩子》导演林文肖逝世,享年89岁.” 澎湃, 7 Jun. 2023, doi.org/https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_22749098. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.

“林文肖的动画世界.” 中国艺魂, 2012. doi.org/https://bkimg.cdn.bcebos.com/pic/8601a18b87d6277f9e2fa0367e6e0830e924b899563c?x-bce-process=image/watermark,image_d2F0ZXIvYmFpa2U5MzM=,g_7,xp_45,yp_55/format,f_auto.

External Links:

Snow Child (雪孩子)

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